Location: Kebonrejo

Kebonrejo is a Location in the Indonesia of Temon,Kulon Progo,DI Yogyakarta. Its detail : Postal Code is as below. You can click the title to browse the detail information.
Province Regency District Location Postcode
DI Yogyakarta Kulon Progo Temon Kebonrejo 55654
Jawa Tengah Blora Banjarejo Kebonrejo 58253
Jawa Tengah Magelang Candimulyo Kebonrejo 56191
Jawa Tengah Magelang Salaman Kebonrejo 56162
Jawa Timur Banyuwangi Kalibaru Kebonrejo 68467
Jawa Timur Kediri Kepung Kebonrejo 64293