Indonesia Postcode There are more than 83,436 Indonesia Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
Currently in Indonesia there are 34 provinces, 514 cities or regencies, 7,201 districts, 83,436 villages, and 16,056 islands that have names.
Indonesia Postcode consists of five numerical digits. In general, the first digit represents the province, the second and third digits represent regency , the last two digits represent the district and location.
Indonesia-image: Indonesia

Envelope Example
Indonesia Envelope Example
Address Format
Ibu Wisynuprapto (addressee)
Jl. Ciburial Indah No. 47 (street + premise)
BANDUNG 40198 (locality + postcode)
INDONESIA (country)
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